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Revisa tus libros

Introduce tu correo electrónico a continuación y recibirás un enlace de un solo uso a una lista con tus libros y dispositivos, incluyendo los enlaces de descarga para EPUB.

Esto puede ayudarte a resolver problemas con aquellos libros que no se muestran correctamente.

Preguntas Frecuentes para Go Books

  • SmartGo One vs Go Books app?

    SmartGo One integrates all the books from the legacy Go Books app. SmartGo One has much better book management, while Go Books currently has better page layout. Go Books also works on older versions of iOS.

  • ¿Cómo transfiero mis libros de Go Books a SmartGo One?

    Para transferir sus compras de libros entre los dos apps, tendrá que registrar y confirmar su dirección de correo en ambos apps. En Go Books, toque en Registrar Sus Compras; en SmartGo One vaya a Ajustes > Cuenta de Go Books. Una vez que haga eso (y active los links en los dos emails que se le enviaron para su confirmación), sus libros deberían aparecer en SmartGo One.

  • How to add books bought at in SmartGo One?

    In SmartGo One, go to Settings > Go Books Account, and enter the email with which you purchased the books. Click on the link in the confirmation email that will be sent to you, and your books should show up in SmartGo One.

  • The newest books are not listed on my device

    The list of books is sometimes not updated properly on iPhone and iPad. Pull down on the list to refresh it. If that doesn't work: Kill and restart the Go Books app, or restart your device.

  • Los libros que compro en mi iPad, ¿serán disponibles también en mi iPhone?

    Sí, cualquier libro que compres en tu iPad será disponible en tu iPhone, y viceversa. Simplemente haz tap en el ícono de herramientas en el superior izquierdo de la app y escoge 'Restaurar Compras Anteriores' para poder tener acceso a tus compras en un dispositivo electrónico diferente.

  • My books are not showing up on the Mac

    You’ll also need to register your email on your iPad or iPhone, so that your books are properly associated with your email. Use Register Your Purchases on your device to do that. Please see Devices for more information.

  • Por favor, ¿puedes añadir el libro X?

    Déjenos saber cuáles libros le gustaría ver incluidos en Go Books. Comunicaremos con las editoriales para ver qué podemos hacer.

    Unfortunately, there are some frequently requested books that we are not able to add due to copyright and digital rights issues, including the amazing “Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go” by Kageyama Toshiro and “Opening Theory Made Easy” by Otake Hideo. You can order these as printed books from Kiseido or Amazon.

  • Can’t read books in iOS 9

    If you’re on iOS 9 and tapping a book doesn’t open it, or the newest books don’t appear in the list of books, please try the following. Go to in Safari on your device. It should prompt you to install a certificate. Go to Details, then tap on Trust, and that should bring you to the Settings app where you can install the “ISRG Root X1” certificate. Once you’ve installed that one, restart the Go Books app, and it should load the books.

  • Cannot connect to iTunes Store

    If you get the error ‘Cannot connect to iTunes Store’ when you’re trying to buy a book using Go Books on iPhone or iPad, it might be because the book has been removed from sale. Books by Hinoki Press and Yutopian are no longer available, as those publishers have gone out of business without providing for continuity in their agreements. We’re working on trying to include at least some of those books again. (If you already purchased those books, they will still show up in your library.)

Acerca de Go Books

Go Books está creado por Anders Kierulf en Smart Go Inc. Por favor, échale vistazo a para otras aplicaciones Go y más información.

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Diseño de página web & Ícono del App:
Scott Jensen