
  • Patterns of the Sanrensei (English)<br>三連星ー六つの構想 (Japanese)

    Patterns of the Sanrensei (English)
    三連星ー六つの構想 (Japanese)

    Michael Redmond 9 dan マイケル レドモンド 九段

    Surrounding a large moyo is a lot of fun, and the Sanrensei opening is perfectly suited to do it. Patterns of the Sanrensei is a complete study of Sanrensei opening strategies that Michael Redmond used successfully in professional tournament games. In section 1 the reader will find the six Patterns, Black’s six basic game plans for the Sanrensei. Section 2 is collection of twenty of Michael Redmond’s games, in which the Sanrensei Patterns are shown in actual play. Throughout the book Redmond gives a detailed analysis, making clear the meaning behind his tactics.

    Michael Redmond is the only Western Go professional to reach 9 dan. Written directly in English and specifically designed for Go Books, then refined as he translated it to Japanese, this book is a treasure for every player interested in the Sanrensei opening, whether you want to play it or defend against it.

    영어, 일본어

    400 페이지


  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (30-25 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (30-25 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is for players who have just gotten in touch with the game. It provides exercises to help deepen and ingrain the understanding of the rules. You will learn about the correlation and dependencies of the stones to each other, and thereby be able to improve your games. The first exercises are very easy, gradually increasing to moderate difficulty as you progress through the book.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 네덜란드어, 체코어, 터키의

    131 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (25-20 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (25-20 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who have gathered experience on the 9x9 board and want to learn more about tactics. The exercises introduce new shapes and techniques which help to deepen your understanding of the interdependency of the stones. Training with these elements will help you to improve your strength and make your games more fun.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 네덜란드어, 체코어

    143 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (20-15 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (20-15 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who have taken the first hurdles and now want to step into the game seriously. The exercises cover almost all important topics: starting with capturing stones and semeai, via tesuji, life and death, and finally the endgame. This book provides you with exercises to train your focus on local positions and to improve your strength.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어

    251 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (15-10 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (15-10 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who now want to study Go more intensively. The exercises focus on fundamental topics: opening, semeai, life and death, tesuji, invasions, and endgame. This book provides you with exercises to train your focus on local positions and to improve your strength.

    영어, 독일어, 프랑스어

    254 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (10-5 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (10-5 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who can’t let go of their fascination with go and want to work towards a better understanding of the game. The degree of difficulty of the tasks is thus beyond a beginner - here begins the training.

    영어, 독일어, 프랑스어

    255 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (5-1 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (5-1 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This book is the last in the series ‘Black to Play’, which will accompany you on the way to Shodan, the first master rank. The level of difficulty of the problems is accordingly challenging. In addition, more of the problems now involve the entire board of the game. Hence you do not train solving local problems only, but also apply various topics such as life & death and capturing races in exemplary game situations.

    영어, 독일어, 프랑스어

    188 문제

  • Elementare Techniken

    Elementare Techniken
    Lehrbücher des Go, Band 1

    Thomas Hillebrand

    Go ist ein sehr komplexes Spiel. Wahrscheinlich hat sich jeder Go-Einsteiger nach dem Lesen der Regeln oder eines Einführungsbuches gefragt: ”Und jetzt?“ Sicher, es gibt weiterführende Literatur. Doch diese umfasst meist nur bestimmte Aspekte des Spiels und setzt einige Erfahrung voraus. Diese Erfahrung möchte der Autor mit Hilfe dieses Buches vermitteln. Es ist ein Buch für diejenigen, die die Spielregeln bereits kennen oder ein Einsteigerbuch gelesen haben und nun wissen möchten, wie es weitergeht. So wird die Lücke zwischen Regelkenntnis und weiterführender Vertiefung geschlossen.

    Das Buch beinhaltet alle grundlegenden Themen des Go-Spiels: • Eröffnung - wohin die ersten Steine der Partie setzen? • Standardabspiele - die wichtigsten Joseki in den Ecken kennen lernen. • Angriff und Verteidigung - Wo sind gute Angriffs- und Verteidigungspunkte? • Leben und Tod - Wie man gegnerische Gruppen fängt und gegnerische Angriffe abwehrt. • Endspiel - Standardfolgen für die letzten Punkte. • Auszählen - Formal das Ende der Partie feststellen und das Ergebnis bestimmen.


    152 페이지, 5 문제

  • Strategie

    Lehrbücher des Go, Band 4

    Richard Bozulich

    Aji, Kikashi und Sabaki sind wichtige Konzepte im Go. Sie bereichern die strategischen Feinheiten wie in keinem anderen Spiel. Ohne diese Konzepte verstanden zu haben, kann kein Go-Spieler erwarten, ein höheres Spielniveau zu erreichen.

    Überdies verlangt das Go-Spiel ein profundes Verständnis von Form und Verteilung von Steinen. Ein Spieler muss erkennen wie die Steine und ihre Anordnung andere Regionen des Bretts beeinflussen. Er muss erkennen und bestimmen, welche Steine wichtig sind und welche geopfert werden können, und welche Steine gestärkt werden müssen bevor groß angelegte strategische Züge ausgeführt werden.

    In acht Lektionen und mit 101 Übungen gibt dieses Lehrbuch dem Leser eine hervorragende und ebenso anregende Einführung in die Grundlagen der Strategie des Go-Spiels.

    스페인어로 별도 제공: 영어스페인어

    315 페이지, 101 문제

  • Angriff und Verteidigung

    Angriff und Verteidigung
    Lehrbücher des Go, Band 6

    Akira Ishida & James Davies

    Das Mittelspiel im Go stellt jeden Go-Spieler vor bedeutende Fragen: Wie entwickelt man nach der Eröffnung einen aktiven Plan? Wie geht man gegen ein Moyō vor? Wie verteidigt man gegen eine Invasion?

    Dieses Buch gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen – und noch einige mehr. Die Autoren, ein japanischer Profi-Spieler und ein renommierter Go-Autor, haben ein klar gegliedertes und prägnantes Lehrbuch zu Strategie und Taktik des Mittelspiels erarbeitet. Sie zeigen auf, wie ein Angriff vorbereitet und ausgeführt wird, wie schwache Gruppen verteidigt werden und wann dies notwendig ist. Auch fortgeschrittene Techniken wie Kikashi und Induktion werden anhand anschaulicher Beispiele erläutert.

    Dieses Standardwerk ist voll von wertvollen Erklärungen und enthält ebenso viel Anschauungsmaterial aus dem professionellen Go.

    스페인어로 별도 제공: 영어

    338 페이지, 81 문제

  • The most difficult problem ever: Igo Hatsuyōron 120

    The most difficult problem ever: Igo Hatsuyōron 120

    Thomas Redecker

    The most difficult of all Go problems, created by Inoue Dosetsu Inseki (1646 - 1719), has still not been solved by professional Go players. The long-standing collaboration of three amateurs from Germany and the United Kingdom has now found the answer!

    This book celebrates the problem-collection’s 300th anniversary and is the most comprehensive collection of information about this stunning problem. The book discusses what the authors believe to be the solution to the problem, including an in-depth treatment of the failed lines. All move sequences are explained in great detail. The same is true for the additional work on theoretical issues that are fundamental to the problem (e.g. hanezeki, approach-move liberties, and ko).

    영어, 독일어

    805 페이지, 1 문제

  • Haengma

    Train like a Pro

    Yoon Youngsun

    Haengma is a Korean word that is difficult to translate. It represents the way the stones move (literally it means moving horse) and how they make use of the momentum. The term is not only used to describe various basic combinations of stones and their implications but also covers more intricate moves that are close to tesuji.

    In this book Yoon Youngsun 8p uses 36 positions from pro games and joseki to analyze haengma and discuss old and new ways to play.

    영어, 독일어

    176 페이지


  • Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game

    Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game

    Cho Chikun 9 dan

    This book is the best and most authoritative introduction to this ancient and fascinating game. Written specifically for the western reader by one of the strongest players in the world, it presents the rules, tactics, and strategy of this unique game in a step-by-step, easy to understand way. Besides showing you how to play, it contains essays about the world of Go which will broaden your knowledge and understanding as well as pique your interest. From history to modern tournament play, from traditional playing sets to computer Go, you’ll find it in these pages.

    영어, 스페인어

    150 페이지

  • The Second Book of Go

    The Second Book of Go
    What You Need to Know After You Have Learned the Rules

    Richard Bozulich

    Reading this book will set the novice who has just learned the rules on the right track to becoming a strong player. It instructs the reader in the proper way to plan strategy and how to attack the opponent’s weak groups to turn influence into impregnable territory. It covers every aspect of the game — the opening, joseki, handicap go, middle-game fighting, life and death, tesujis, good and bad shape, ko fights, and the endgame.

    영어, 스페인어

    235 페이지, 18 문제

  • Fundamental Principles of Go

    Fundamental Principles of Go

    Yilun Yang 7 dan

    Yilun Yang is justly famous among his many devoted students for his remarkable guidelines about how to play Go. These basic principles cover virtually every situation and enable a player to find the best play with a minimum of reading. Now, for the first time, he has consented to allow the publication of a book containing a broad selection of these principles, focusing especially on the opening and the early middle game.

    This is Slate & Shell’s most popular book.

    영어, 스페인어

    226 페이지, 48 문제

  • How Not to Play Go

    How Not to Play Go

    Yuan Zhou

    This book will have a revolutionary impact on any kyu player who reads it. Zhou clarifies common kyu level misunderstandings that hold kyu players back from reaching dan level. He explains that the skills needed to reach shodan are not things like a thorough knowledge of josekis or an ability to read out long sequences, but rather the elimination of some common confusions about how the game should be approached. The principles involved are not difficult to understand, and Zhou clarifies them by giving detailed analyses of how they are being ignored in three different games between kyu level players.

    영어, 스페인어, 프랑스어


    68 페이지

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (30-25 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (30-25 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is for players who have just gotten in touch with the game. It provides exercises to help deepen and ingrain the understanding of the rules. You will learn about the correlation and dependencies of the stones to each other, and thereby be able to improve your games. The first exercises are very easy, gradually increasing to moderate difficulty as you progress through the book.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 네덜란드어, 체코어, 터키의

    131 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (25-20 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (25-20 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who have gathered experience on the 9x9 board and want to learn more about tactics. The exercises introduce new shapes and techniques which help to deepen your understanding of the interdependency of the stones. Training with these elements will help you to improve your strength and make your games more fun.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 네덜란드어, 체코어

    143 문제

  • Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (20-15 Kyu)

    Black to Play! Train the Basics of Go (20-15 Kyu)

    Gunnar Dickfeld

    This workbook is dedicated to players who have taken the first hurdles and now want to step into the game seriously. The exercises cover almost all important topics: starting with capturing stones and semeai, via tesuji, life and death, and finally the endgame. This book provides you with exercises to train your focus on local positions and to improve your strength.

    영어, 독일어, 스페인어, 프랑스어

    251 문제

  • Tesuji

    Elementary Go Series, Volume 3

    James Davies

    Tesujis are the tactics of short range combat in the game of Go. This volume presents over three hundred examples and problems of them, aimed at training the reader to read and spot the right play in all sorts of tactical situations. It covers a wide range of material while concentrating on fundamentals; its problems manage to be both hard enough to challenge and easy enough to solve, and there are enough of them to keep the most avid busy.

    영어, 스페인어


    458 페이지, 300 문제

  • The Basics of Go Strategy

    The Basics of Go Strategy
    Mastering the Basics, Volume 5

    Richard Bozulich

    Aji, kikashi (forcing moves), and sabaki are the most important concepts of go. They imbue the game with strategic subtleties unmatched in any other game. Without an understanding of these concepts, no go player can hope to attain a high level of skill. Besides these concepts, it is also necessary to understand the shape and distribution of stones and how they influence other parts of the board, determining which stones are important and which stones can be sacrificed, and which stones must be strengthened before playing large-scale strategic moves. The aim of this book is to bring together these ideas and to show the reader how they interact.

    스페인어로 별도 제공: 독일어


    309 페이지, 101 문제

  • The Chinese Opening

    The Chinese Opening

    Yuan Zhou

    The Chinese Opening is popular among both amateurs and pros today, but many amateurs do not have a good understanding of the meaning of this opening. In this book Yuan Zhou provides a full explanation of the best ways to use and to respond to it. He discusses the origins of the opening and the evolution of players’ understanding of it using famous games as illustrations, from a game played by Honinbo Dosaku in 1683 to one between Cho Chikun and Chen Yaoye in last year’s international Chunlan Cup. Most amateurs have only a few out of date ideas about this opening; this book will correct that problem.

    영어, 스페인어

    75 페이지

  • Rethinking Opening Strategy

    Rethinking Opening Strategy
    AlphaGo’s Impact on Pro Play

    Yuan Zhou

    The AI program AlphaGo Zero has introduced several new ideas about how to play in the opening of a game of go. Yuan Zhou, a popular go teacher, discusses several of them and shows their use in several pro games.

    영어, 스페인어

    74 페이지

  • The New Territorial Style

    The New Territorial Style

    Yuan Zhou

    There are different styles of play: traditional territorial style, fighting style, and what can be called ‘moyo’ style, that is, aiming for a large center territory. Recently, professionals have been moving toward a new version of territorial style, which differs from the traditional territorial style by incorporating deliberate center fighting in the middle game. Players with Black have been doing very well with this new style.

    영어, 스페인어

    141 페이지






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